Trust in the Lord your God, and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Ps 2:3-5

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oh My Word, I am Cranky!

Wow, hormones have definitely set in full force! So far today, I have snapped at several people (some for good reason, some just because I was annoyed, one was my boss), had my feelings hurt by something that should have rolled off, and nearly been in tears multiple times. NOT myself, by any stretch of the imagination. Oh what a lucky man I get to go home to tonight!

Other than the highly volatile and increasingly unmanageable emotional state, I feel great! My belly seems to have just popped right out there, so I am officially down to 2 pairs of pants for work. Even the safety pinning does me no good anymore, as the zipper won't go up enough to be decent under my shirts. You'd think I'd be excited about the fact that I am forced to spend money on clothing, but I am still at a weird point where nothing fits quite like it should. My sweet friend Mary did buy me a few new tops to wear, so I don't feel quite as repetitive with my wardrobe.

I've been in the mood to cook a lot lately (when I can actually remember the names of the recipes), but am having some trouble with my leg going to sleep when I stand too long. A weird and annoying feeling, but I am trying to manage it with the help of my chiropractor aka sister-in-law. Speaking of the memory thing (wasn't I?), I sat down to plan menus for Chad for the next couple of weeks, and couldn' t for the life of me remember what I cook or what he likes to eat! Names of recipes simply were lost in the fog that has become my pregnancy brain. Poor thing, he may be stuck eating nachos for the next 5 months.

I still haven't gained a lot of weight, which is good for my super sensitive-I know I'm getting some eye rolls-afraid of gaining weight-self, but I have read that I should gain 10-14 pounds in my second trimester, which freaks me out tremendously. I know I know, I'm growing another human inside me, but it's still hard for a weirdo like me who has never had to "worry" about it. It's hard this week to eat as much as I need or as much as I want to though. I'm strangely full a lot of the time, and just don't want much.

For my good friend and new mommy Dawn, I promise I will post belly shots soon! For the rest of you, be warned! I am posting belly shots soon!

17 weeks and counting!


The Parks said...

Don't worry the hormones will go away. I cried on the way to work several mornings after hearing on-star commercials.

Ashley Dobson said...

Yes, the hormones do get better!! I cried over the silliest things and got so snappy over the smallest things. Oh, my memory still hasn't come back! Hope you have better luck than me.

I can't wait for the belly pictures!!!

Joanna Ashlock said...

I didn't know you were blogging!! Good for you. You will be so glad you kept a "journal" to look back on and so will your children one day. By the way, Congratulations!! Chad got to tell us the good news the other night at dinner. We were so excited to see him!

Now we've decided we have to plan a trip maybe around Spring Break to see the new babies! We miss ya'll so much. Keep the updates coming!